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Less updates.#2076

I have automatic updates turned on and still every day this week ive gone to record a clip only to later find out that medal needed an update and the clip is corrupt. I’m about to uninstall and advise peers against using this service. Either fix it so automatic update actually works or just stop sending an update every day.

10 months ago

Any type of update we do will require Medal to restart. However, if you turn on Background Updates it should make the process more smooth for you.

New updates have nothing to do with the corrupt clips though. If you are experiencing corrupt clips, we’ll need to see your logs to see what went wrong.

10 months ago

Frequent updates are a good thing. If you don’t want them, don’t install them.

Also, you threatening to uninstall a free service is hilariously childish.

10 months ago

We are working on making more of our updates run in the background so it doesn’t force you to install as frequently. We’re just trying to make the app better 😓

10 months ago
Changed the status to
10 months ago