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Splitting audio sources into multiple audio tracks#1586

Is it possible to make it so you can separate the different audio sources into their own tracks?

For example I attached a screenshot of my medal audio settings, which has 3 different audio sources it records, Cable-A being Default (Game windows etc) Cable-D being discord audio and finally C Spotify. It would be nice to be able to have these on separate tracks so I can adjust the volume/remove some.

I also attached 2 other screenshots, 1 of my OBS audio setitngs and 1 of how the recording looks in Vegas Pro from the OBS recording.

2 years ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
2 years ago
Changed the status to
2 years ago

Is there anything new?

6 months ago
Merged 6 Audio tracks (TLDR at bottom)#2300
22 days ago
Merged Custom audio channels#2371
22 days ago

Exact same idea! I really want this cause whenever i’m playing w/ friends i wish to record their voice at times as well as we can be rather silly.

I guess for now i’ll merge the game audio & discord audio togheter via the app but then the volumes might be wonky but it’ll work for now

18 days ago